Santhosh Shivan is ready with his Master Craft Malayalam Film Urumi. The film will make a world wide release in this March 31. Urumi tells the story of Chirakkal Kelu Nair and his mission to kill Vasco De Gama when he visited Kerala in the sixteenth Century. Urumi has a huge star cast from many south Indian Language. The film has bollywood actress Genelia as Prithvi Raj's Heroine. Director Cum Actor Prabhudheva and Bollywood Beauty Tabu is another pair in Urumi. Vidya Balan makes a cameo appearance in the movie along with Tamil Actor Arya who is a malayalee. The film scripted by Shankar Mahadheavan, an assistant of Ranjith has songs tuned by Deepak Dev and Visuals by the Director itself.
Urumi is the most budgeted film in the history of Malayalam Film. According to latest news the film has a budget of 26 crores. The film planned as a World Film now ready for a world wide release in March 31 with Tamil, Hindi and English versions along with Malayalam.
Urumi is the most budgeted film in the history of Malayalam Film. According to latest news the film has a budget of 26 crores. The film planned as a World Film now ready for a world wide release in March 31 with Tamil, Hindi and English versions along with Malayalam.